Friday, March 6, 2020

Free Essays on Epicureanism

Pleasure and happiness, sensuality and desire, friendship and free will, these are among a few of the central themes behind this philosophy. Epicureanism is an ethical and moralistic doctrine that is concerned with justice and virtue, in a psychological sense. Reason responsibility and the mechanics of freedom are ethical and moral principles of this epistemology. Epicureanism introduces the view that pleasure is the ultimate good in life. This Philosophy was described by Epicurus as "the art of making life happy†. The purpose of life, according to Epicurus, is personal happiness and by happiness he means not that state of well being and perfection of which the consciousness is accompanied by pleasure, but pleasure itself. In addition this pleasure is sensuous for it is such only as is achievable in this life. This pleasure is the immediate purpose of every action. The pleasure of Epicurus is a state, "the absence of pain and anxiety". The magnitude of pleasure reaches its limit in the removal of all pain. When such pleasure is present, so long as it is uninterrupted there is no pain either of body or of mind or of both together. Conceiving the highest good to be happiness, and happiness to be found in pleasure, to which the natural impulses of every being are directed. But the aim is not with him, as it is with the Cyrenaics, the pleasure of the moment, but the enduring condition of pleasure, which, in its essence, is freedom from the greatest of evils, pain. Pleasures and pains are, however, distinguished not merely in degree, but in kind. The renunciation of a pleasure or endurance of a pain is often a means to a greater pleasure; and since pleasures of sense are subordinate to the pleasures of the soul, the undisturbed peace of the soul is a higher good than the freedom of the body from pain. Virtue is desirable not for itself, but for the sake of pleasure of soul, which it secures by freeing men from troub... Free Essays on Epicureanism Free Essays on Epicureanism Philosophy I A Brief Summary of Epicurianism Combining the pleasure-seeking teachings of Aristippus and the atom theory of Democritus, Epicurus’ philosophy answers the questions of how best to live one’s life and approach death. Epicurus’ Principle Doctrines emphasize the school of thought that the natural pursuit of please does not make one an intrinsically evil, corrupt person. However, though many today misconstrue his message as an approval of sensory overindulgence, his texts advocate the merits of restraint: â€Å"No pleasure is a bad thing in itself, but the things which produce certain pleasures entail disturbances many times greater than the pleasures themselves†(Gill). The teachings of Epicurus state that the fulfillment of one’s basic needs unlock the door to a life of pleasure. To spend one’s life in a state of anxiety due to the pursuit of excessive merriment will have an inverse effect, wasting one’s life in an unpleasant state instead of enjoying simple pleasures (The Philosophy Garden). Indeed, the original writings that shape the epicurianistic philosophy repeatedly sing the praises of intangible pleasures such as wisdom and the peace of mind one deriv es from living a just life. In response to the question of how one should make the moral decisions to live a respectable life, Epicurus advocates situational truth over universal truth, as his statement that â€Å"There never was such a thing as absolute justice, but only agreements made in mutual dealings among men in whatever places at various times providing against the infliction or suffering of harm.† illustrates (Cook). As with most philosophies, the Epicureans have guidelines regarding death and eternity as well as life. According to the Epicurean philosophy, one need not worry about gods or an afterlife. Embracing the atomic theory, Epicurus believes that while alive, people have soul atoms as well as physical atoms. Upon death, however, th... Free Essays on Epicureanism Pleasure and happiness, sensuality and desire, friendship and free will, these are among a few of the central themes behind this philosophy. Epicureanism is an ethical and moralistic doctrine that is concerned with justice and virtue, in a psychological sense. Reason responsibility and the mechanics of freedom are ethical and moral principles of this epistemology. Epicureanism introduces the view that pleasure is the ultimate good in life. This Philosophy was described by Epicurus as "the art of making life happy†. The purpose of life, according to Epicurus, is personal happiness and by happiness he means not that state of well being and perfection of which the consciousness is accompanied by pleasure, but pleasure itself. In addition this pleasure is sensuous for it is such only as is achievable in this life. This pleasure is the immediate purpose of every action. The pleasure of Epicurus is a state, "the absence of pain and anxiety". The magnitude of pleasure reaches its limit in the removal of all pain. When such pleasure is present, so long as it is uninterrupted there is no pain either of body or of mind or of both together. Conceiving the highest good to be happiness, and happiness to be found in pleasure, to which the natural impulses of every being are directed. But the aim is not with him, as it is with the Cyrenaics, the pleasure of the moment, but the enduring condition of pleasure, which, in its essence, is freedom from the greatest of evils, pain. Pleasures and pains are, however, distinguished not merely in degree, but in kind. The renunciation of a pleasure or endurance of a pain is often a means to a greater pleasure; and since pleasures of sense are subordinate to the pleasures of the soul, the undisturbed peace of the soul is a higher good than the freedom of the body from pain. Virtue is desirable not for itself, but for the sake of pleasure of soul, which it secures by freeing men from troub...

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